Browse a thousand climate action stories

  • North East Community Forest

    North East Community Forest

    Planting trees and woodlands to enhance our tree stock and woodlands.

  • Chestnut Bio
    County Durham

    Chestnut Bio

    Eliminating single-use plastics in forestry by replacing them with biodegradable alternatives.

    NE England


    Flipping the switch on game-changing electric vehicles in the North East.

  • West Suffolk Solar For Business
    West Suffolk

    West Suffolk Solar For Business

    Installing solar panels on roofs of local businesses for free.

    Renewable Energy
  • West Suffolk Solar Farm
    West Suffolk

    West Suffolk Solar Farm

    Generating green energy and income for local council through investment in solar farm.

    Renewable Energy
  • Moffat Community Woodlands – Gallow Hill
    Dumfries and Galloway

    Moffat Community Woodlands – Gallow Hill

    Creating and maintaining a mixed broadleaf community woodland at Gallow Hill, Moffat

  • Solar Carports

    Solar Carports

    Supporting the decarbonisation of the National Cycling Centre.

    Buildings & Places
  • Brighton Energy Co-op
    Brighton and Hove

    Brighton Energy Co-op

    Reducing carbon emissions by installing community-owned solar PV.

    Renewable Energy
  • Amschela


    Showing that the luxury fashion industry can promote environmentally sustainable practices.

    Circular Economy
  • Future Leap

    Future Leap

    Providing a sustainable hub and a support network for businesses in Bristol.

    Buildings & Places
  • Sowlent Food Garden

    Sowlent Food Garden

    Promoting the wider benefits of community gardening and using the Food Garden as a Living Lab.

    Food & Agriculture
  • Project Cheltenham

    Project Cheltenham

    Bringing Cheltenham’s community together to raise awareness of climate breakdown and act.

    Buildings & Places
  • Recycle More
    North West Leicestershire

    Recycle More

    Providing a more effective food waste collection service for borough residents.

    Buildings & Places
  • Kensa Contracting Heat Pumps

    Kensa Contracting Heat Pumps

    Reducing carbon emissions and increasing access to affordable heating in Croydon.

    Buildings & Places
  • Creggan Country Park Climate Action
    Derry City and Strabane

    Creggan Country Park Climate Action

    Demonstrating how habitat management, education and volunteering can tackle climate breakdown.

  • GBSLEP Low Carbon Grants
    West Midlands

    GBSLEP Low Carbon Grants

    Supporting innovative projects in the West Midlands to lower carbon emissions.

    Renewable Energy