Learn more about the positive impacts
Featured initiatives
Hay Community Assemblies
Local PowersRunning community assemblies to make better decisions that serve the needs of all.
NW England
Fylde Resilience Community Project
Local PowersConnecting private, public and third sectors, to deliver local Climate Action Plans.
Cheshire East
Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK)
Local PowersSupporting students and wider society to learn about, act and lead on sustainability.
Transition Towns
Local PowersIncreasing local resilience, reducing energy use and building a regenerative local economy.
Collective action at the local level can empower us all to deploy our creativity and wisdom.
Clover Hogan
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Taking the fear out of flooding
Flooding is the UK’s most serious natural hazard with a shocking one-in-six homes in the UK at risk. And yet,…
Buildings & Places, Circular Economy, Climate Action, Food and Agriculture, Local Powers, Nature, Renewable Energy, Transport
Local Action Means Big Impact
Our new campaign, in partnership with WWF-UK, The Carbon Literacy Project and Climate Emergency UK, highlights the incredible potential of…
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Bonus Episode: Nature Rising
Listen to this special bonus episode to learn more about the Nature Rising programme from Bristol-based Black Seeds Network.