Learn more about action areas that can help
Featured initiatives
Harborough Woodland
NatureIncreasing woodland cover, boosting biodiversity & reducing flooding in a high risk area of the midlands.
Really Wild Lockleaze
NatureProtecting nature and bringing the community together in Lockleaze, North Bristol.
Communities are the most important force that allows humans to weather great storms, literally and metaphorically.
Geneen Marie Haugen
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Regenerative agriculture as the new normal
How strange… As a farmer, you need to be certified to be organic. You need to register with an approved…
Taking the fear out of flooding
Flooding is the UK’s most serious natural hazard with a shocking one-in-six homes in the UK at risk. And yet,…
Recommended listen
Repair and Reuse
What if we could transform our relationship with the things we already own? With Dr Adam Read MBE, of SUEZ, and Clare Seek, of Share (Portsmouth).