Learn more about action areas that can help
Featured initiatives
Yorkshire and the Humber
Warp It
Circular EconomyOur mission is to help organisations keep equipment, assets and ‘stuff’ circulating.
Frogmore Paper Mill
Circular EconomyImproving environmental sustainability in the paper heritage sector.
Kensington and Chelsea
Team Repair
Circular EconomyTackling e-waste from our throwaway society with repair education.
South Oxfordshire
Sustainable Didcot
Circular EconomyHelping Didcot residents through a shared interest in the environment, living sustainably, and raising awareness of climate change.
Waste less, live more. The benefits extend to both the environment and our own well-being.
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Look to the circular economy for ‘new’ answers
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So in striving to boost flagging economic…
Affordable Energy, Buildings & Places, Circular Economy, Climate Action, Greater Fairness, Less Waste, Local Powers, Nature, Renewable Energy, Strong Communities, Thriving Wildlife
Leap Into Climate Action!
You may have noticed things are looking a bit different around here… As we launch our new and improved online…
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Repair and Reuse
What if we could transform our relationship with the things we already own? With Dr Adam Read MBE, of SUEZ, and Clare Seek, of Share (Portsmouth).