Ducks feeding in crystal clear waters of the River Lathkill in Derbyshire, UK

Safe Water

Learn more about action areas that can help

  • Harborough Woodland

    Harborough Woodland

    Increasing woodland cover, boosting biodiversity & reducing flooding in a high risk area of the midlands.

  • Haughey’s Bog Restoration
    Fermanagh and Omagh

    Haughey’s Bog Restoration

    Restoring peatland at Haughey’s Bog and creating a wider connected landscape for wildlife.

  • Really Wild Lockleaze

    Really Wild Lockleaze

    Protecting nature and bringing the community together in Lockleaze, North Bristol.

  • Wild Waters Festival
    Bath and North East Somerset

    Wild Waters Festival

    Our aim is to draw attention to the pressures on the river here (Bristol River Avon) due to climate change and biodiversity loss, and to encourage local people to take positive action to help.


The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land.

Luna Leopold
  • Recommended listen

    Farm With Nature

    Is your food produced on a farm that’s putting nature first? Learn more about sustainable agriculture, with WWF UK & the Nature Friendly Farming Network.