Browse a thousand climate action stories

  • Tech Tyfu Vertical Farming

    Tech Tyfu Vertical Farming

    Working with growers in North Wales to develop fresh micro greens sustainably.

    Food & Agriculture
  • Generation, Supply, Consumption, Storage (GSCS) Project

    Generation, Supply, Consumption, Storage (GSCS) Project

    Providing innovative renewable energy and storage options to business communities.

    Renewable Energy
  • Bracknell Forest Active Travel Scheme
    Bracknell Forest

    Bracknell Forest Active Travel Scheme

    Increasing the uptake of greener travel across the borough.

    City of London


    Delivering maintenance classes and refurbished bikes to young people from ethnic minority groups.

  • Save Our Shropshire

    Save Our Shropshire

    Inspiring people to change their behaviour, to help tackle climate change.

    Buildings & Places
  • SHRUB Zero Waste Hub
    City of Edinburgh

    SHRUB Zero Waste Hub

    Empowering people to live a low carbon life, without waste.

    Circular Economy
  • Glasgow Food Policy Partnership
    Glasgow City

    Glasgow Food Policy Partnership

    Creating a fairer, healthier, more sustainable and resilient food system.

    Food & Agriculture
  • Marlborough Community Fridge

    Marlborough Community Fridge

    Reducing food waste

    Food & Agriculture
  • Reading Hydro CBS

    Reading Hydro CBS

    Harnessing the power of water to generate renewable electricity on the River Thames.

    Renewable Energy
  • Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK)
    Cheshire East

    Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK)

    Supporting students and wider society to learn about, act and lead on sustainability.

    Local Powers
  • GM Business Green Scene
    NW England

    GM Business Green Scene

    Helping businesspersons (in GM) collaborate with others motivated by the green transition.

    Renewable Energy
  • Project Zero
    Vale of Glamorgan

    Project Zero

    Bringing a range of council initiatives together under Project Zero, targeting carbon neutral by 2030.

    Buildings & Places
  • Transition Towns

    Transition Towns

    Increasing local resilience, reducing energy use and building a regenerative local economy.

    Local Powers
    Greater London


    Tackling the negative social and environmental impacts of producing, consuming and wasting clothes.

    Circular Economy
  • Black & Green Ambassadors

    Black & Green Ambassadors

    Ensuring the environmental movement is inclusive and representative.

    Local Powers
  • Plastic Free Communities

    Plastic Free Communities

    Freeing local communities from avoidable, throwaway plastic.

    Circular Economy