Browse a thousand climate action stories
Mid and East Antrim
Islandmagee Energy Storage
Renewable EnergyDelivering the vision for enabling a net-zero green hydrogen economy in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland
Montiaghs Moss
NatureProtecting and restoring peatlands for people, nature and climate.
Northern Ireland
Social Housing Retrofit Pilot Scheme
Buildings & PlacesRetrofitting social houses to increase levels of energy efficiency that could be replicated at scale.
Geothermal Eden
Renewable EnergyReplacing heat supplied from gas with heat from a deep geothermal well.
United Downs Deep Geothermal Power
Renewable EnergyGenerating renewable electricity and heat from geothermal sources underground.
Bath and North East Somerset
The Food Forest Project
NatureBringing people together using food forest hubs to benefit our community and the environment.
Tod College Climate Challenge
Buildings & PlacesOffering a free 6-month course in practical sustainability for over 16s in Todmorden.
Todmorden Learning Centre
Buildings & PlacesRe-inventing a former FE college building as a centre for green skills training and the community.
East Riding of Yorkshire
Transforming Horticultural Waste
Food & AgricultureTransforming horticultural bi-products into a commercialisation opportunity.
Dundee City
Green Health Partnership
Buildings & PlacesImproving people’s lives by encouraging them to get outside and active in local green spaces.