Community Woodlands Association

Third Sector • Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Angus, Argyll and Bute, and more...

The Community Woodlands Association is the representative body of Scotland's 200 community woodland groups who are involved in or responsible for the management of thousands of hectares of woodland and open space.

  • Community tree planting.
  • The Dunnet xylophone.
  • Lunch at our annual conference (pre-covid!)

Our story

The Community Woodlands Association was established in 2003 by its members as the representative body of Scotland's community woodland groups; to represent and promote community woodlands and to support new and existing groups. There are now around 200 groups across Scotland, involved in or responsible for the management of thousands of hectares of woodland and open space.

Our advice

Community ownership and management of natural resources is a great way to unlock potential and deliver wide ranging community benefits.

Our metrics

Number of hectares of woodland and open space managed.

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