Action Areas
Rob Greenland: How To Build A Movement
Our aim at Zero Waste Leeds is to build a movement. What exactly do we mean by that? In summary,…
Affordable Energy, Circular Economy, Food and Agriculture, Good Food, Greater Fairness, Health & Wellbeing, Less Waste, More Jobs, Nature, Renewable Energy, Strong Communities
People’s Green New Deal
The Green New Deal is an ambitious plan to secure a safe climate and fairer society, by totally transforming our…
Buildings & Places, Circular Economy, Food and Agriculture, Good Food, Greater Fairness, Health & Wellbeing, Less Waste, Renewable Energy, Strong Communities
Asher Craig: Discovering Gold
There are many existing projects, products, and initiatives in Bristol which help local communities take more effective climate action, including repair…
Beyond Sustainability
Conventional economics is degenerative. Business as usual depletes our finite natural resources faster than they can recover and we become…
Friends of Carbon Copy: Centre for Responsible Business
Carbon Copy is privileged to receive support and advice from some of the brightest minds at Birmingham University’s Lloyds Banking…
Committed To 100%
It is entirely possible to transition the energy system of the UK to one hundred percent renewables. Professor Mark Jacobson…
Local Power
The climate problem is an energy problem. In 2018, almost one-quarter of all net greenhouse gas emissions in the UK…
Friends of Carbon Copy: ADEPT
Carbon Copy is delighted to have the support of the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning & Transport (ADEPT),…
From Paris To Home
What road are we on and how should we travel to get to our destination? The ambition of the Paris…
Coming Up For Air
‘What if we had this sort of air quality not because everyone is forced to sit at home but because…
Reallocating Roads
If cities belong to people, why are we building them for cars? Before the advent of the automobile, city streets…
Working With Nature
What does working with nature look like to help protect us from climate change impacts? You might as well as…