Action Areas
Affordable Energy, Circular Economy, Clean Air, Climate Action, Food and Agriculture, Greater Fairness, Health & Wellbeing, Nature, Renewable Energy, Strong Communities, Transport
The People’s Path To Net Zero
“We’re up for it!” is the inspiring (and perhaps to some, a bit surprising) message from the UK Climate Assembly,…
Avril Rowley: Towards A ‘Natural Curriculum’
How the use of Outdoor Learning and Forest School approaches is impacting Initial Teacher Education students at Liverpool John Moores…
Green Homes Grants
We know that saving energy is less expensive than producing energy. It is also a low-cost approach to mitigate greenhouse…
Securing Our Food
Food security means everyone having enough safe and nutritious food to grow up and live a healthy life, in ways…
Circular Economy, Food and Agriculture, Good Food, Greater Fairness, Health & Wellbeing, Nature, Strong Communities
GB Team: Working Together From The Ground Up
Sometimes an idea can be had by multiple people, all at the same time. The idea doesn’t have to be…
Embracing The Circular Economy
“Economics is broken,” says Kate Raworth, visionary author of Doughnut Economics. “It has failed to predict, let alone prevent, financial…
Asher Craig: Deliberative Democracy
Deliberative Democracy. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused great disruption to people’s lives and livelihoods. The health and economic impacts have…
Affordable Energy, Clean Air, Greater Fairness, Health & Wellbeing, Renewable Energy, Strong Communities
Power By The People, For The People
Energy democracy is an exciting international movement which has been steadily gathering momentum, and is having an increasing impact in…
Green Spaces And Health
“Wash your hands for the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice!” Yes, an unlooked-for benefit of the coronavirus…
Asher Craig: Social Inclusion
Having identified the equalities issues endemic to the environmental sector, we have spent the last four years at Bristol City…
Bicycle Mayors
We cannot reduce overall carbon emissions and meet legislated national targets without addressing head on the UK’s biggest emitter, the…
Can We Walk Away From Owning A Car?
It’s mind-boggling when you think about it. As much as fifty percent – yes, half – of inner-city land consists…