Buildings & Places
Taking the fear out of flooding
Flooding is the UK’s most serious natural hazard with a shocking one-in-six homes in the UK at risk. And yet,…
How much money could better insulation save us?
People across the UK could collectively save as much as £8 billion on their energy bills through insulating homes and…
Buildings & Places, Circular Economy, Climate Action, Food and Agriculture, Local Powers, Nature, Renewable Energy, Transport
Local Action Means Big Impact
Our new campaign, in partnership with WWF-UK, The Carbon Literacy Project and Climate Emergency UK, highlights the incredible potential of…
Helping More People Stay Warm This Winter
Carbon Copy is a member of the Warm This Winter campaign, a coalition of over 40 of the UK’s leading…
Here Be Dragons
The Long Read – New Philosopher Writers’ Award XXVIII: Here be dragons. These words were written on old maps that…
Affordable Energy, Buildings & Places, Food and Agriculture, Greater Fairness, Health & Wellbeing, Local Powers, Nature, Renewable Energy, Transport
Don von Rohland: Climate Action Scorecards
Have you checked how your local council is performing in tackling the climate and ecological emergencies? The Council Climate Action…
Warning: Expect Extreme Weather Events
We are only a few months into the new year, and already the UK has been battered by powerful storms,…
Affordable Energy, Buildings & Places, Circular Economy, Climate Action, Greater Fairness, Less Waste, Local Powers, Nature, Renewable Energy, Strong Communities, Thriving Wildlife
Leap Into Climate Action!
You may have noticed things are looking a bit different around here… As we launch our new and improved online…
We’re Right Here
The UK is one of the most centralised advanced democracies – and it’s time that changed. As a nation, we…
Joanna Bonnett: Green Jobs Foundation
Carbon Copy’s Chief Storyteller Isabelle Sparrow sat down with the Green Jobs Foundation’s CEO, Joanna Bonnett, to learn more about…
New year, new (green) career?
In October 2023, the Green Jobs Foundation published its annual State of the Nation report, highlighting both an increase in…
Buildings & Places, Circular Economy, Clean Air, Food and Agriculture, Local Powers, Nature, Renewable Energy, Thriving Wildlife, Transport
Bucking Trends, Punctuating Equilibrium
We’ve recently published the latest release of greenhouse gas emissions data from the Department for Energy and Net Zero Strategy…