Browse a thousand climate action stories

  • Wild Oysters
    NE England

    Wild Oysters

    Restoring native oysters to UK waters.

    Food & Agriculture
  • The Back Garden
    Glasgow City

    The Back Garden

    Growing local food and connecting with nature in the heart of Glasgow.

    Food & Agriculture
  • Furniture Reuse Scheme
    Fermanagh and Omagh

    Furniture Reuse Scheme

    Reducing the amount of waste to landfill by diverting furniture and paint to reuse in the community.

    Circular Economy
  • CIRCUS Programme
    Mid and East Antrim

    CIRCUS Programme

    Supporting social enterprises to develop products involving circular economy waste streams.

    Circular Economy
  • Watch Them Grow
    Fermanagh and Omagh

    Watch Them Grow

    Donating packets of seeds to families with newborns, encouraging home growing of flowers and plants.

  • Digital Deposit Return Scheme
    Mid and East Antrim

    Digital Deposit Return Scheme

    Demonstrating proof of concept of a Digital Deposit Return Scheme (DDRS) for drinks containers.

    Circular Economy
  • Energy Detectives
    Mid and East Antrim

    Energy Detectives

    Helping primary school ‘Energy Detectives’ investigate where energy is being wasted.

    Renewable Energy
  • Mid & East Antrim School Uniform Scheme
    Mid and East Antrim

    Mid & East Antrim School Uniform Scheme

    Promoting sustainability through gifting of pre-loved school uniform items.

    Circular Economy
  • Safe, Warm And Well
    Mid and East Antrim

    Safe, Warm And Well

    Tackling the high incidence of fuel poverty by improving home energy efficiency.

    Buildings & Places
  • Fermanagh & Omagh Separate Food Waste
    Fermanagh and Omagh

    Fermanagh & Omagh Separate Food Waste

    Reducing the amount of food waste sent to landfill and associated greenhouse gases.

    Food & Agriculture
  • Passive House Erne Campus
    Northern Ireland

    Passive House Erne Campus

    Demonstrating best practice in the built environment with Passive House Premium construction.

    Buildings & Places
  • Trees For Bees
    Fermanagh and Omagh

    Trees For Bees

    Helping pollinators thrive by planting heritage apple trees.

  • Trees For The Future
    Fermanagh and Omagh

    Trees For The Future

    Planting local woodlands and thousands of trees to benefit biodiversity and people.

  • Wild About Meadows
    Fermanagh and Omagh

    Wild About Meadows

    Helping pollinators and engaging people with nature by managing sites as meadows.

  • Leave No Trace Schools Awareness Programme
    Fermanagh and Omagh

    Leave No Trace Schools Awareness Programme

    Promoting responsible outdoor recreation through the Leave No Trace principles.

  • National Forest Nature For Climate
    East Midlands

    National Forest Nature For Climate

    Doubling forest creation in the National Forest for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
