WOW Year-Round Walk To School Challenge

Communities (includes third sector), Education • UK

WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (walk, cycle or scoot) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge.

  • Children walking to school.

Our story

WOW is a proven, turnkey programme for schools to encourage their children to walk to school. The scheme is simple to set up and operate: each school sets up its WOW Travel Tracker account; every morning in the classroom, pupils record the way they came to school on the WOW Travel Tracker; at the end of the month, the school hands out a badge to the pupils who have earned one that month. The badges are hugely popular: different collectable designs, designed by students in a separate competition, and biodegradable (no plastic). WOW is also available in Welsh. The wider benefits of running this program are...

For schools:
OFSTED: Helps you achieve your "Outstanding" school rating.
Accreditation: Participating in WOW helps your school achieve Modeshift Stars and Healthy Schools status.
Minimal Classroom Time: Less than 10 minutes of a teacher's day! The most important part of WOW happens before the school day even starts.
Great cost: WOW is £2 per pupil; just a fraction of your £10 PE and Sport Premium per child.
Increases walking rates: Children at participating schools increase by 23% in the first five weeks. WOW Travel Tracker helps you keep track of your school's modes of travel.
Instils life-long healthy habits: Encourages pupils and families to swap the school ride for a school stride. Promotes healthy mental well-being by improving behaviour and concentration levels in class.
Improves road safety at the school gates: Thanks to the drop in car usage around the school.

For local councils:
Reduces Congestion: 1 in 4 cars on the road each morning is on the school run.

Our advice

It's simple to run and children love taking part.

On average, WOW schools see a 30% reduction in care journeys taken to the school gate and a 23% increase in walking rates!

There are a long list of benefits for participating schools as well as a significant reduction in congestion during school drop-off and pick-up times.

Our metrics

Number of participating schools and pupils; coverage across the UK.

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Action Area




Response to climate crisis





Communities (includes third sector), Education

Shared by

Tanya Braun

Updated Dec, 2024

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