Our story
We are all about networking, empowering and building a movement so as many people in the county can be doing all they can to reduce their carbon and adapt to the climate changes we are already facing.
Our advice
We are a diverse network of people from across the county, united in our aim to maximise our impact on communities, councils and businesses in addressing the Climate and Ecological Emergency in Somerset.
Our approach: to empower, advise and aggregate actions by and with everyone involved to accelerate change across Somerset.
Our mission: to catalyse systemic action to drive down carbon emissions across Somerset.
Our interim goal: by 2024, we aim to have won the case for concerted action across all aspects of life to make Somerset net zero carbon by 2030.
The science is ever more clear, the debate far behind us, the time for concerted action rather than simply empty targets is now. Somerset CAN will continue to lobby hard and work as closely as possible with existing (and new) council(s) to make up for lost time and head for a Zero Carbon Somerset by 2030.
Somerset CAN will also look for other opportunities to collaborate, to network, to train, to empower as much as we can; business as usual is simply not an option.
Our metrics
Empower and up-skill 1,000 climate action champions through the Somerset Climate Action Networkers scheme by 2025