Proctor + Stevenson

Business • Bristol

P+S is aiming to be net-zero by 2030 as part of their city's commitment towards a zero-carbon, socially-just Bristol.

P+S story

Roger Proctor founded Proctor + Stevenson (a brand, design and technology agency) in 1979 and has continued to lead its transformation ever since. Based in Bristol, the agency has become increasingly involved in its home city's ambition to become carbon neutral by 2030.

When P+S moved offices from St Paul's to Easton, Bristol, they made the conscious decision to reduce the building's environmental impact and make it as sustainable as possible going forward. This included super-insulating the building using CelotexPIR boards, manufactured with low Global Warming Potential (GWP) and zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP); as well as coating the outside of the building with CristalACTiV coating which reduces atmospheric pollution in the surrounding areas.

P+S installed a 3KW PV solar panel system (90 panels) on the roof to power the building, charge the company fleet of electric and hybrid vehicles (company car policy since 2010) and export any excess to the grid. Thinking more holistically, P+S also have a cycle-to-work scheme to encourage fitness and reduce the use of cars; belong to the Commuter Travel Club, accessing CSR-discounted bus travel; and promote sustainable modes of travel when meeting clients and attending events.

The agency joined Bristol Green Capital Partnership (founded in 2007), a unique partnership of over 1,000+ member organisations who have committed to working towards a zero-carbon, socially-just Bristol where all local communities and nature can thrive.

In 2021, at Bristol's bi-annual City Gathering, the One City Environment and Economy boards launched the 'Bristol One City Climate Ask' – urging every business and organisation in Bristol to declare their support for their net zero initiative. Not only did P+S pledge their support for the city's goal, P+S also set their own – with an aim to reach net zero by 2030!

Useful learnings from P+S

Alongside many other businesses in Bristol, P+S are currently working towards their B Corp certification. With this goal in mind, the agency stays accountable to its purpose and pledge – "to do good, create good" – whether the actions taken are little things or grander gestures; internal business policies or outward-looking relations. This is the kind of leadership that the agency's founder recognises is good for business and that the city's Deputy Mayor recognises is needed for the city to reach its 2030 climate ambition.

P+S metrics

Client projects
Net-zero by 2030 milestones
B Corp certification

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Response to climate crisis





Business, 50 to 249 people

Shared by

South West Net Zero Hub

Updated Feb, 2024

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