Kent Business School

Public Sector • Canterbury

Kent Business School is researching the ways the logistics industry can reduce carbon emissions and prepare for a greener future.

  • Kent Business School research is mainly focused on using greener vehicles.

Kent Business School's story

Kent Business School is carrying out intensive research into sustainability and net-zero carbon initiatives with a particular focus on the transport sector and using electric vehicles for logistics. We are also researching the use of hydrogen as a clean fuel. Logistics is one of the biggest emitters of CO2 around the world and this is an important area to tackle if we want to reduce carbon emissions in the future.

Our research is mainly focused on using greener vehicles in logistics and freight transportation. But it's also important that we bring businesses along with us. Some organisations are uncertain or don't feel ready to take up these new approaches, some are even a little sceptical. But by talking to businesses and showing them that these changes not only have a positive impact on the environment but also on their bottom line, we can begin to drive real change. Those who make the switch to cleaner fuels can also demonstrate to their customers that they are committed to sustainability and carbon reduction.

We are proud to be taking part in research that could help us to reach a net-zero future. We hope to see more and more businesses across the transport industry make green changes that can have a significant and positive impact.

Useful learnings from Kent Business School

Take the time to research and understand modern electric and hydrogen transport solutions. They may help to transform the way your business thinks about sustainability and improve efficiency across the board.

Kent Business School's metrics

Engagement in trials and with new technologies.

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Action Area


Positive Impacts

Clean Air



Response to climate crisis

Mitigation & Adaptation




Public Sector, 250 to 10,000 people

Shared by

Greater South East Net Zero Hub

Updated Feb, 2024

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