Our story
by Bodywork
Based in Bath, Bodywork carries out specialist repairs to the body work of cars. They secured a £2,970 West of England Green Business Grant towards the cost of upgrading a 30 year old air compressor system, used to spray paint, to make it much more energy efficient. As a result, Bodywork has reduced its energy use by 44.2%, saving £626 on its annual energy bills. Bodywork has reduced its annual carbon emissions by 2 tonnes per year.
The West of England Green Business Grants Scheme offers small and medium enterprises in the region capital grants to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings and/or business operations. The grants of up to £15,000 cover 40-80% of eligible costs. The £1.7m Scheme is part of the Low Carbon Challenge Fund, which is funded by the European Union's European Regional Development Fund and the West of England Combined Authority's Recovery Fund.
Our advice
Applying for a Green Business Grant was a great way to invest in new, greener equipment for our business.
Our metrics
Measuring energy use and carbon emissions.