Black & Green Ambassadors

Community • Bristol

Connecting, empowering and celebrating diverse leadership and community action on environmental issues in Bristol and beyond; working towards ensuring the environmental movement is inclusive and representative of all communities.

Our story

Black & Green Ambassadors is a three-year programme (2021-2023) set up to scale efforts to empower new leaders to work with and between diverse communities, businesses and other organisations. Together, they explore and enable solutions that lead towards an environmentally and socially just future for all. Building on the work of the pioneering pilot project, Asia Yousif, Olivia Sweeney and Roy Kareem joined the programme as the first annual cohort (2021) of Ambassadors. Following an open recruitment process, they have handed over the baton to the next three Ambassadors: Miss Divine, Rosina Al-Shaater and Ruth Nortey.

Throughout the year, the Ambassadors undertake skills training and mentorship to support their leadership development, whilst participating in a wide range of local and national forums, events, campaigns and media opportunities. As a cohort, they develop a programme of radio shows, workshops and collaborations, and each Ambassador undertakes a community research project to frame questions and gather the evidence needed to advocate for change locally and further afield as well as identifying tangible solutions.

Our advice

Environmentalism is for everyone, and we need new approaches to make the movement more inclusive and representative of all communities.

Engaging with communities who have been neglected from receiving the message of climate change is vital: hearing how they feel about it and deciding together what can be done individually and collectively helps bring people on board.

It's important to recognise that lots of people are already showing leadership in taking local climate action, but they might not call themselves 'environmentalists' or need to identify themselves as such.

Our metrics

- People attending events and workshops
- Projects showcased through events and radio shows
- Radio shows produced
- Followers on social media
- Increased motivation of people to take action for social/environmental justice
- Event attendees increased understanding of social and environmental equality and justice

Feeling inspired? Discover more about this story...



Response to climate crisis

Mitigation & Adaptation




Community, less than 9 people

Shared by

Clare Leczycki

Updated Feb, 2024

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