The climate clock is ticking…

Why 1.5ºC is a big deal

Higher temperatures worsen droughts, wipe out crops and cause flash flooding. Winter storms and Summer heatwaves become more extreme and threaten more lives. The list goes on. Exceeding 1.5ºC global average warming makes these repercussions significantly worse and throws natural systems off balance, permanently, impacting millions of lives and devastating livelihoods.

Deeds, not words

In the 2016, nations agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pledged to limit their emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2050. Despite the promises, it’s not happening fast enough. We only have a few years left before global warming reaches 1.5ºC, and based on the current lack of speed in moving to net zero, in all probability we will exceed this global red line by the end of the decade.

It’s an average, not a limit

The average temperature rise is a general indicator of where our natural systems reach a dangerous turning point. However, global warming is not a uniform process and some areas are warming much faster than others. The climate crisis does not begin at 1.5ºC, neither does the world end when we exceed it. But we want to act while we still have the chance and keep the emergency from becoming a catastrophe.

Green energy & heating

Climate resilient 
places to live

sustainable travel

Nature based 
climate solutions

Farm to fork

Reduce, reuse, 
repair & recycle