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Friends of Carbon Copy: Climate Cymru


Carbon Copy is proud to be a member of Climate Cymru’s growing network of over 300 organisations from every sector in Welsh society, and part of a movement of over 14,000 individuals from across Wales, who are concerned about climate breakdown. We are delighted to receive their backing for our Welsh activities, which support Climate Cymru’s four bold aims for:

1/ Wales to become net zero
Wales, like the UK, has a legally binding target to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Welsh government has set a series of five-yearly carbon budgets to guide the nation’s path to net zero. Targets for the first carbon budget for 2016-2020 were met; however, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) has warned that Wales will miss its future goals without action to significantly speed up decarbonisation efforts across all areas of the economy. To that end, Climate Cymru is engaging productively with the Welsh Government as well as putting pressure on those with power to take meaningful action.

2/ Wales to become nature positive
In June 2021, the Senedd declared a nature emergency amid the growing realisation of the ongoing decline in biodiversity in Wales and of the importance of nature for our wellbeing and our economy. Calls for a new global goal to be ‘nature positive’ means halting and reversing the decline of nature by 2030. With one in six species in Wales are at risk of extinction today, this vital aim is urgent and Climate Cymru is pushing the Welsh Government to enshrine the commitment to a Nature Positive Wales in law, underpinned by legally binding nature recovery targets.

3/ Climate justice both in Wales and internationally
The transition to achieving the goals of becoming net zero and nature positive should be just and equitable, and properly take into consideration the diversity of voices and needs of the people of Wales and, more broadly, the most vulnerable around the world.

4/ Welsh society to embrace the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act
Recognised by the United Nations, Wales is leading the way in protecting future generations with its world-leading piece of legislation: the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Its purpose is to ensure decisions taken today meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The current climate and nature crises have both immediate and long-term impacts; that’s why we need more nations to copy the Future Generations Act and why Climate Cymru is highlighting the importance of placing future generations at the centre of decisions to ensure that they have a voice at the policy level.

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