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Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.
H. G. Wells
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Buildings & Places, Circular Economy, Climate Action, Food and Agriculture, Local Powers, Nature, Renewable Energy, Transport
Local Action Means Big Impact
Our new campaign, in partnership with WWF-UK, The Carbon Literacy Project and Climate Emergency UK, highlights the incredible potential of…
Affordable Energy, Buildings & Places, Food and Agriculture, Greater Fairness, Health & Wellbeing, Local Powers, Nature, Renewable Energy, Transport
Don von Rohland: Climate Action Scorecards
Have you checked how your local council is performing in tackling the climate and ecological emergencies? The Council Climate Action…
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Council-led Climate Action
Learn how local authorities in Britain are taking action for climate and nature, with Climate Emergency UK, Nottingham City Council, Edinburgh City Council, Portsmouth City Council and Newham Council. In…