crate of apples

Reduce food waste

25 Big Local Actions

Inspiration read

700 community fridges (and counting)

Creating spaces to share food

Environmental charity Hubbub coordinates a network of community fridges across the UK. These are independent community assets, set up, owned and managed by not-for-profit and community-led organisations. They come in all forms, from community centres and schools to shipping containers, cafes and shopping centres. Unlike most food banks, you don’t need a referral, so anyone can use a food sharing community fridge at any time, but some organisers may impose limits on how much you can take. Hubbub’s Community Fridge Network (CFN) now supports over 700 groups running fridges across the UK!

Providing support to each other

Local businesses and people donate fresh, good-quality surplus food that would otherwise be wasted to their community fridge, where the donated food is then made freely available for local people to come and collect. Volunteers at community fridges also collect fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold from a variety of sources, such as retailers, restaurants, farmers, allotments and households. As well as stopping good food from going to waste, people can also take part in other activities, learning new skills such as how to grow or cook food, or simply drop in for a chat. 

Stirring the pot for positive change

People are often understandably reluctant to acknowledge they need help to feed themselves and their children. One way round this is to consider surplus food distribution as an environmental initiative to combat food waste. Anyone is welcome to the food, to help get it eaten (in contrast to food banks, which only supply non-perishable items and usually require a referral). One of the biggest positives to come out of community fridges is the networks that are established amongst community groups, volunteers, food suppliers and the local council. It’s not only food moving through these networks, but also information, support and problem solving.

  • Inspiration listen

    Do Something Bigger 

    In this, the first episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast series, Do Something Bigger, we introduce our year-long campaign: 25 Big Local Actions in 2025.

What if?

What if all the food surplus from farms was not thrown away but given away to communities? Which benefit would be even bigger? 

We could turn this food into 8 billion meals. 

✓ True

We could halve the number of people in the UK experiencing food poverty. 

Even bigger!

We could save around 4 million tonnes of embedded carbon. 

✓ True

Fresh fruit grown on local allotment.
Fresh food sharing
Eggcup food redistribution makes the most of surplus food and helps cut down on unnecessary food waste.
Eggcup food redistribution
Malton and Norton twin towns are aiming to become the UK's first circular economy market towns.
Malton market day

With special thanks
to our partners