Install low-carbon heating

25 Big Local Actions

Inspiration read

Landmark district heat network

Large scale, water source heat pump

Delivered in partnership by West Dunbartonshire Council and Vital Energi, the Queens Quay water source heat pump is a groundbreaking project which, at 5.3MW, is the first large-scale scheme of its type in the UK. The innovative system takes take heat from the River Clyde and use it to heat local homes and businesses. Water, air and ground source heat pumps are amongst the most exciting energy technologies available today and are set to become a much bigger part of the UK’s energy mix, as they combine reliability with higher efficiency and lower carbon emissions. The landmark project is live and delivering low-carbon heat to surrounding premises and, when the final phase is completed, the energy centre will serve almost 2,600 buildings.

Heating homes for less

Homes connected to the heat network have lower energy bills compared to similar properties using traditional heating technologies and fossil-fuel gas. Every connected home is fitted with a smart metering system so residents only pay for the energy they use. And because the heat comes from energy recovered from the River Clyde, prices are much less affected by price rises in the global energy market.

Nature-led design

It is essential to understand fully the river source used in water source heat pump schemes – variations in water temperature, flow rates and wildlife – and to design a scheme that reflects the characteristics of the river and its ecosystem. For the Queens Quay project, the water source is a tidal, saltwater river which is under the protection of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and has a range of both plant and aquatic life. The success of this scheme demonstrates how a large-scale project that was influenced in its design by nature can operate in harmony with the local environment.

  • Inspiration listen

    Do Something Bigger 

    In this, the first episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast series, Do Something Bigger, we introduce our year-long campaign: 25 Big Local Actions in 2025.

What if?

What if we switched traditional boilers for central heating households to air-source heat pumps? Which of these benefits could we achieve? 

People with oil-based central heating at home could collectively save £1 billion on bills by 2040.

Even bigger!

Replacing gas boilers with heat pumps would reduce annual emissions by 53 million tonnes.

✓ True

Switching to heat pumps would create more than 22,000 new jobs.

✓ True

Heat Networks Industry Council
Credit: Heat Networks Industry Council
Energy efficient, insulated homes.
Energy efficient, insulated homes
Retrofit homes with low carbon heating such as air source heat pumps.
Air source heat pump

With special thanks
to our partners