Browse a thousand climate action stories
Scottish Borders
Restoring Glenlude
NatureTurning a former farm and plantation into a mosaic of native habitats.
The Green Valleys (Wales) CIC
Renewable EnergyInspiring and supporting communities to sustainably generate low-carbon energy.
Penparcau Planting Project
Food & AgricultureCommunity gardening to grow food, tackle food poverty and create a wildlife area.
Belfast City: One Million Trees
NatureWorking with schools, community groups and businesses to make Belfast City a greener place.
Llangattock Community Woodlands Group
NatureConserving, protecting and improving small woodlands.
City of Edinburgh
The Green Team
NatureConnecting young people to nature through conservation, education, exploration and play.
Wild Edges
NatureRenovating raised beds with recycled plastic pillars and creating new planting plan for pollinators.
Heeley City Farm
Food & AgricultureWorking with local communities to promote regeneration and environmental education.
Park Ecovillage Trust
Buildings & PlacesEncouraging wellbeing and environmental protection in an ecovillage community.
Upstream Thinking (UST)
Food & AgricultureReducing and mitigating pressures impacting on water quality of Westcountry rivers at the source.
Highways England Low Nutrient Grassland Policy
NatureImproving biodiversity on the verges of motorways and large A roads while reducing carbon emissions.
Belville Community Garden
Buildings & PlacesCreating a stronger community, healthier lifestyles and reduced impact on the planet.
North Ayrshire
Community Of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST)
NatureConserving and restoring the seas around Arran and the Clyde.