Browse a thousand climate action stories

  • Data Centre Optimisation

    Data Centre Optimisation

    Driving down energy use through efficiency improvements in Greater Manchester data centres.

    Buildings & Places
  • Wrexham Glyndwr University

    Wrexham Glyndwr University

    Improving environmental sustainability throughout the university.

    Buildings & Places
  • Paddington Village Heat Network

    Paddington Village Heat Network

    Providing networked heat and energy to the Paddington Village development in Liverpool.

    Buildings & Places
  • Harrogate Car Club

    Harrogate Car Club

    Providing an all-hybrid car club for local people.

  • Low Carbon Business Network
    East Midlands

    Low Carbon Business Network

    Helping pro-environmental businesses on their clean growth and zero carbon journey.

    Buildings & Places
  • Splo-Down Community Food Group

    Splo-Down Community Food Group

    Coming together as a community to meet our food needs collectively.

    Food & Agriculture
  • Hearty Growers

    Hearty Growers

    Growing gourmet mushrooms with zero waste on an urban farm in Belfast.

    Food & Agriculture
  • RE:FIT Cymru

    RE:FIT Cymru

    Implementing energy efficiencies in council buildings, with savings used to repay cost of works.

    Buildings & Places
  • SUSU’s Green Impact

    SUSU’s Green Impact

    Working within the Green Impact programme to become carbon neutral by 2035.

    Circular Economy
  • Orangebox


    Reducing the CO2 footprint of furniture by redesigning products with circular principles in mind.

    Circular Economy
  • Retrofit Awareness

    Retrofit Awareness

    Developing sustainable skills courses in property retrofits to make homes that are cheaper to heat.

    Buildings & Places
  • Jubilee Farm
    Mid and East Antrim

    Jubilee Farm

    Practicing and promoting care farming and community-supported agriculture.

    Food & Agriculture
  • Home Grown Here
    NW England

    Home Grown Here

    Scaling-up vegetable growing in Cumbria to transform the local food system and supply chain.

    Food & Agriculture
  • Sullatober Household Recycling Centre
    Mid and East Antrim

    Sullatober Household Recycling Centre

    Redeveloping a Household Recycling Centre in Carrickfergus.

    Buildings & Places
  • Sustainable Food Places
    Mid and East Antrim

    Sustainable Food Places

    Exploring and addressing systemic food-related issues and opportunities across the borough.

    Food & Agriculture
  • RE[act] Building Green

    RE[act] Building Green

    Demonstrating the value of a greener built environment in Belfast’s city centre.

    Buildings & Places