Walk to COP26
A small team of six, including Ric from Carbon Copy, walked 500 miles from London to Glasgow during October 2021, to showcase local climate action and share people’s inspiring carbon stories at COP26. By involving businesses, local government and community groups, we wanted to share how powerful it is when people act together where they live. Read more on our UK Climate Emergency blog.
Watch the 30-minute documentary shot during Walk2COP26 for the full story of life and learnings on the road.
Thoughts from our blog

Reflections On Walking To COP26
“It has been easy to get wrapped up in the latest announcements from the global climate summit in Glasgow. To be overexcited or hugely disappointed by the headlines of countries that are – or are not – pledging to halt deforestation, cut methane levels, end overseas fossil fuel finance, etc.
“At the same time, it has been all too easy to forget that the majority of people are indifferent to these announcements and many are not even aware of COP26. They are busy making ends meet or simply choosing not to listen to the news. The pledges that emanate from COP26 are remote and ethereal, even if the damaging effects of the climate crisis are close and tangible.”

Hope Is Alive… And Kicking!
“The Glasgow Climate Pact aims to keep alive hopes of restraining global temperature rise to 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, the aspiration of the Paris Agreement. It would require every one of the GHG emitters who signed this accord to deliver on their promises, which has not been the pattern after previous summits.
“COPs reflect how much of an effect civil society has managed to have over the nations engaged in the negotiations, and the strength of civil society relative to the power of the fossil fuel industry and financial community.”