Nottingham & Tamworth
With Dr Sarah Maloy of Shop Zero, Chris Common of Nottingham City Council and Winter Paralympian Anna Turney.
In this episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast Running Out of Time special, we follow the climate relay across the midlands, starting in Nottingham and ending up in the Staffordshire town of Tamworth. We meet Dr Sarah Maloy, founder of Shop Zero, a refill store in Nottingham city centre; Chris Common, who works in Nottingham City Council’s climate change team and Winter Paralympian Anna Turney, who works with charity SnowBuddies to help people with disabilities get involved with winter sports.
Listen to this Nottingham & Tamworth-based episode to hear stories of ambition, inspiration and dedication.
“It’s always been a response to the community and what they’ve needed and wanted in Nottingham. The big thing around this is any of us can jump online and try and get a lot of these products, but there’s so much greenwashing that goes on…
“So the benefit here is that we have a lot of knowledge about the products. I can talk about the supply chain. I know where they’ve come from because also because I’m interested in sustainability. Sustainability isn’t just about the environment, it’s also about social issues. I don’t want any of my products to have come from people that are underpaid or undervalued in their work. So that’s an important part of it as well.”
– Dr Sarah Maloy, Shop Zero
Show Notes
Find out more about what’s happening across Tamworth for climate and nature, here:
Find out more about what’s happening across Nottingham for climate and nature, here:
Read about Shop Zero on Carbon Copy:
Read about ways to reduce single use plastics where you live:
Learn about SnowBuddies:
Read about Anna’s participation in a campaign to prevent polluting companies sponsoring sports events:
Find out more about Rushcliffe Spencer Academy’s Eco School of the year award:
Sign up for a leg of Running Out of Time:

Dr Sarah Maloy, Shop Zero Nottingham
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