Plastic pollution in ocean environmental problem. Turtles can eat plastic bags mistaking them for jellyfish

Use less plastic

25 Big Local Actions

Inspiration read

Tackling plastic pollution in the UK

Plastic Free Communities

Plastic Free Communities is a place-based initiative, originated by Surfers Against Sewage, that empowers and connects people to free where they live from avoidable, throwaway plastic; from beaches, rivers and green spaces, all the way back to the brands and businesses who create it. The campaign centres on five objectives to achieve the Plastic Free Communities award: (1) working with the local council; (2) encouraging local businesses to reduce single use plastic; (3) signing up community groups, schools and organisations; (4) holding events and actions; (5) setting up a steering group to drive the movement.

Turning the tide

As of July 2024, over 830 communities across the UK are signed up to Plastic Free Communities, with almost 30 million people living in a participating community. Over 4,500 businesses are enrolled and 230 councils have resolved to reduce plastic waste and support plastic free initiatives. In addition, almost 17,000 people are estimated to volunteer for the campaign in their local communities. Plastic Free Communities are eliminating over 43 million single use plastic items per year; 29 million of those items are directly attributable to this initiative, demonstrating how we can stop plastic pollution by working together.

Wider impact

The initiative can have a positive impact on community cohesion too. People involved have a greater sense of feeling like they belong in their neighbourhood; feel more connected to nature and their local environment; and make a greater effort to use local businesses, preferring to use businesses who have taken action on becoming plastic free. Find out more about Plastic Free Communities in our Carbon Copy Podcast episode, Bottle By Bottle.

  • Inspiration listen

    Do Something Bigger 

    In this, the first episode of the Carbon Copy Podcast series, Do Something Bigger, we introduce our year-long campaign: 25 Big Local Actions in 2025.

What if?

What if we stopped selling, giving away and using single-use plastic water bottles in the UK? Which of these savings is possible? 

Save 500 million plastic water bottles going to landfill, every month.

✓ True

Save drinking 17 million fragments of plastic, every minute.

Even bigger!

Save 640,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, every year.

✓ True

Volunteers at Brighton beach clean up
Brighton beach clean-up
Sarah Maloy at Shop Zero in Nottingham City Centre. Sarah stands smiling behind the til. In the background are shelves filled with jars of spices and other dried goods.
Dr Sarah Maloy, Shop Zero Nottingham
To reduce plastic pollution, switch from plastic to alternative materials in product design or eliminate plastic packaging entirely.
Non-plastic biodegradable packaging and utensils

With special thanks
to our partners