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Council-led Climate Action

Cllr Scott Arthur outside the city chambers in Edinburgh, where he is responsible for council-led climate action.

Learn how local authorities in Britain are taking action for climate and nature, with Climate Emergency UK, Nottingham City Council, Edinburgh City Council, Portsmouth City Council and Newham Council. 

In this episode, we revisit conversations recorded during the Running Out of Time relay focused on council-led climate action. We hear from representatives of four local authorities in places around Britain, and from Climate Emergency UK, the organisation behind the council climate action scorecards. 

We meet Isaac Beevor, Partnerships Director at Climate Emergency UK; Chis Common, Carbon Neutral Policy Manager at Nottingham City Council; Cllr Scott Arthur of Edinburgh City Council; Kristina Downey, Principal Climate Change Strategy Advisor at Portsmouth City Council; and Jacob Heitland, Director of Climate Action at Newham Council to discuss the different approaches, successes and challenges of council-led climate action. 

Listen, to learn: 

Show Notes 

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