Wild About Meadows

Local Authorities • Fermanagh and Omagh

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is helping pollinators and people by managing sites such as meadows aross the district.

  • Natural meadow at Lisbellaw.
  • Launch of Don't Mow/Wild about Meadows Programme at Maguiresbrige.

FODC's Story

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (FODC) is 'Wild about Meadows' and is championing the national 'Don't Mow, Let it Grow' campaign at over 35 locations across the district including Arleston Park in Omagh and Racecourse Lough in Enniskillen, as part of Council's ongoing commitment to Biodiversity Action in the district.

By letting the grass and wildflowers flourish into the summer months, the Council is improving the biodiversity of the district by simply changing its cutting regime in key areas across the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council estate. The wildflowers and range of grasses can flower and go to seed, providing valuable food for pollinators such as bumblebees and butterflies and providing a habitat for many other species.

From dandelions to cuckooflower in May, to meadow buttercups, selfheal, orchids, and ragged robins throughout the summer, natural meadows can provide vital nectar to many pollinators and create a delightful show of colour for all to enjoy.

Using signage saying 'Don't Mow, Let it Grow' the public can see these verges and sites are intentionally left for pollinators and wildlife. This work is one of the many actions for pollinators and biodiversity undertaken annually by FODC and is already committed to in the Fermanagh and Omagh Climate Action Plan and will be an integral part of the forthcoming FODC Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2022 - 2027.

Useful Learnings from FODC

Seek out locations that are suitable to let meadows grow or for new meadows to be sowed. Get approval for this use. Consider how the land will be managed using mechanical or other means.

We engaged with communities and schools as well as the public on how to manage and create their own meadows as well as informing them about Council meadow sites.

FODC's Metrics

Area of land managed.
Viability of meadows for pollinators.
Carbon saved annually through less grass cutting.
Amount of carbon stored in soil.

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Positive Impacts

Thriving Wildlife

Response to climate crisis





Local Authorities

Shared by

Northern Ireland Local Government Association

Updated Feb, 2024

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