Salisbury Transition City

Communities (includes third sector) • Wiltshire

Salisbury Transition City is a catalyst and partner in the local community, working towards a more sustainable way of living, and is part of the much wider 'Transition' movement of communities from all over the world.

  • Cathedral & Stalls at People in the Park 2020 - Community Eco Festival
  • Saturday Morning Transition Cafes
  • Somehow I'm Home at People in the Park 2021 - Community Eco Festival

Our story

Salisbury Transition City is a catalyst and partner in our community and beyond. We aim to engage and inspire people to work together to achieve real change. Transition is a movement of communities all over the world who are working towards a better, more sustainable way of living for the future.

Salisbury became a Transition City in 2014. We have been inspired by other Transition groups, which are a fantastic place to look for inspiration when getting started. We work closely with the City and County Councils to make exciting things happen in our town, and for the planet. We have pioneered movements for better recycling, nature conservation, renewable energy and more.

We collaborate with a whole range of local organisations, as well as national and international groups. This gives what we do a real community spirit, and helps to make sure we are sharing our message and inspiring people to get involved with whatever interests them most.

Some of our projects include...
Share - A Library of Things
Instead of buying new, why not share? Our library of things makes some items easier and more affordable to reach, promoting a circular economy. From tents to video games, there's something that everyone could avoid buying new at

Holes for Hedgehogs
A project to help local hedgehogs by providing safe access through back gardens, reducing the need for them to cross roads. There's a Facebook group for anyone getting involved, which helps us to keep organised.

We have a transport group which focuses on all things cycling, walking, (not) driving, public transport and infrastructure around Salisbury.

Planting Trees and Hedges
Members worked with the City Council. More trees and hedges means cleaner air, a cooler environment, and more room for biodiversity. We planted over 80 native trees almost entirely funded by our members, and 1,000 mixed hedges to boot. Anyone can help out, be it digging holes or digging deep in pockets to help us to buy the plants.

Husseys Almhouses Rewildling
Another group within our Transition City works on this rewilding project.

People in the Park
We run a festival every year to welcome everyone to get involved in all things environmental. There's live music of course, as well as a Seed Swap, Book Swap, eco-friendly stages, yoga, poetry and all kinds of other sustainable cultural activities. To make this happen we partner with a whole host of local organisations.

As well as all kinds of projects, Salisbury Transition City is a hub for knowledge and advice on how to be more sustainable or help wildlife at home. We provide videos, posters and infosheets on things such as creating a wildflowerer area, sustainable fashion, and swap shops for anything that could avoid landfill.

We welcome everyone, and we are always keen to have new members in any area of what we do. It takes all kinds of skills, knowledge and experience to make Salisbury Transition City happen!

Our advice

Being part of a Transition group gives you purpose and it is enjoyable to be around other like minded people. The projects that are born from our group are tangible, positive and accessible.

We are able to work closely with other environmental and community groups in the community as well as having a good relationship with our local councillors.

The most important thing is to remember to have fun, this will help with project forming and making new connections!

Our metrics

We have a variety of different projects that take place under the Salisbury Transition Umbrella including our holes for hedgehog campaign, Air pollution monitoring group, Food waste group and Share Salisbury (A Library of Things)

Feeling inspired? Discover more about this story...



Response to climate crisis

Mitigation & Adaptation




Communities (includes third sector)

Shared by

Eva McHugh

Updated Dec, 2024

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