Plant One


Plant One works with businesses, landowners and individuals to create more woodland habitats in Cornwall and help restore our lost Celtic rainforest.

  • Plant One volunteers in Cornwall

Our story

Plant One is a community interest company in Cornwall with a big aim in mind – to help restore the Celtic rainforest. Britain was once a wooded isle, with over 98% of the land covered in trees, but now only 2% of that ancient wild wood survives. Our fates are linked and ensuring the survival of our woodlands and trees is imperative to our future.

As a CIC, we want to put as many trees in the ground as possible, for the benefit of all. We do this by bringing businesses, landowners and individuals together to plant trees in Cornish soil. For businesses, we create woodland habitats on their premises or find the land to plant trees if there's no space on site. For landowners, we assess their sites, provide tree planting plans and help arrange tree planting days. And for individuals, we organise local tree-planting events so more people can get involved.

Our advice

As much as we love trees, trees don't belong everywhere! In fact, planted in the wrong place, trees can cause more damage to the environment than good. That's why we recommend conducting in-depth land surveys of each site before planting. This is to ensure that trees are not planted on rare habitats such as upland moor and peatlands.

We always plant native species because we're restoring something that was already here before us, but what we plant depends entirely on the site. Some sites are suitable for Atlantic Oakwood regeneration which mainly consist of Sessile and English Oak, Silver Birch and Holly. Other sites are more suitable for Wet Woodland such as Downy Birch, Grey Willow and Alder. We also plant hedgerows which are mainly made up of Hawthorn and Blackthorn. Unfortunately, due to disease, we don't plant Elm or Ash trees.

Our metrics

Habitat creation and improvement for wildlife.
Increase in the UK's canopy cover.
Creation of public access woodland.
Numbers of people attending our tree planting events.
Carbon capture through local community tree planting.

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Response to climate crisis




Shared by

Carl Rowlinson

Updated Feb, 2024

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