Learn more about action areas that can help
Featured initiatives
Harborough Woodland
NatureIncreasing woodland cover, boosting biodiversity & reducing flooding in a high risk area of the midlands.
City of Edinburgh
Granton Community Gardeners
Food & AgricultureImproving biodiversity, community connectedness and health & wellbeing through urban gardening & food growing.
South Oxfordshire
Sustainable Didcot
Circular EconomyHelping Didcot residents through a shared interest in the environment, living sustainably, and raising awareness of climate change.
Share (Portsmouth)
Circular EconomyReducing carbon and waste through community sharing, repairing and re-use.
The pursuit of greater fairness in society elevates us all, for when one prospers we all prosper.
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How much money could better insulation save us?
People across the UK could collectively save as much as £8 billion on their energy bills through insulating homes and…
Helping More People Stay Warm This Winter
Carbon Copy is a member of the Warm This Winter campaign, a coalition of over 40 of the UK’s leading…
Recommended listen
Bonus Episode: Nature Rising
Listen to this special bonus episode to learn more about the Nature Rising programme from Bristol-based Black Seeds Network.