Fermanagh and Omagh DC's Story
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (FODC) is making a 'treemendous' effort to plant new trees and woodlands, while also looking after the important woodlands and notable trees already under our management.
FODC has been working in partnership to plant trees, native woodlands, and native hedgerows for several years on Council-managed land and where possible, with community groups and schools. Since 2017, over 7,000 trees (mostly native broadleaf) have been planted to create small clusters of trees in parks and new amenity woodlands. The Council has also consistently replanted larger standard trees as replacements when required. Since 2019, we have also planted over 150 heritage apple trees in partnership with schools and the Lough Erne Landscape Partnership (LELP), through the Trees for Bees initiative.
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has already committed to additional tree planting through the Council's Climate Change and Sustainable Development Strategy with the following key action: 'Develop a Tree Plan to increase tree cover on council-owned land, using appropriate species to store carbon, support nature, improve soils and water quality, and aid flood protection and urban design.'
It is our aim to assist in protecting, increasing and maintaining native woodland and tree cover in our District, through partnership working, promotion of woodland creation schemes, protecting existing woodlands and Ancient Woodland Sites on our estates, and raising awareness amongst others and the public. We work with organisations such as the Woodland Trust, to identify sites in our District that are appropriate for native tree planting, availing of schemes such as the 'More Woods More Good scheme' and where possible, DAERA woodland grants. This work is one of the many actions for biodiversity undertaken annually by FODC, and is already committed to in the Fermanagh and Omagh Climate Action Plan and will be an integral part of the forthcoming FODC Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2022 - 2027.
Useful Learnings from Fermanagh and Omagh DC
Seek out locations to plant trees, get approval internally and check other neighbour requirements, including utilities.
Consider how the land surrounding the planted area will be managed using mechanical or other means.
Consider any untapped potential in your community, such as volunteer assistance and tree management through community groups.
Fermanagh and Omagh DC's Metrics
Area of land managed for trees and woodlands.
Number of trees planted annually.